A new beginning
SO I just moved over from Wordpress where I'd started up a blog. Having only three posts to my name, I moved my blogworldly possessions over here (see below).
As an intro, this blog is dedicated toward my daughter, who at some point will be able to read these blogs (or the G rated parts anyways) and know how mommy and daddy spent their days and how their world revolved around her even before she was old enough to get into trouble and ask for more moneyLas Vegas…sin city..
October 14, 2009 by heresheisSo yesterday, after a whirlwind day, I landed in Las Vegas. Went to work for a couple of hours in the morning, then picked U up from daycare, and finished packing. Then dropped her off again, went to the airport. Dulles security has changed so much with it’s new layout. I like it, but the lines were so long that if I weren’t premier, I wouldn’t have made it. As it was, the plane was boarding as I reached the gate. Flight was smooth, the steward flirted non-stop with this Indian/Pakistani dermatologist who was sitting in front of me. She had this sort of affected English accent, with traces of the subcontinent thrown in. The whole situation was funny. The guy sitting next to me must’ve had at least four glasses of red wine during the trip. I bought a pack of Lays but found it hurt my teeth.
The hotel itself is not too bad. The renovated north tower room at Ballys is definitely not too shabby. View’s not great, but it will suffice.
Every Monday should be a holiday
October 12, 2009 by heresheisToday (and it’s only 8:11 AM) already feels relaxed. Every Monday should feel this way. I’m off to the dentist at 9:00 for an implant (yuck!!) and then to the gym at 12:45, and to the vet at 7:20 PM. That’s my schedule. Oh, and I need to pack for my trip to Las Vegas. Since the Dr. and U are both going on the trip, I’m responsible for carrying all her stuff: diapers, formula, food, etc etc.
Last night was good. I made a beans kuttan (beans with gravy and spices), and sauteed eggplant. The Dr. liked them. I also pureed the pears we had sitting in the fruit bowl, added a banana to them, and voila!! we have baby food for three meals. I tried it and no wonder she likes these things, they are so sweet!!!!
Talked to my cousin who lives in California….she might be technically a “cousin” but in my mind, she’s my sister. We grew up together, went to school together, played together, and whenever I stayed over at her house, we would sleep on the same bed. Invariably, since I was a little fatty, I would take up majority of the space:-) . So she’s planning to come visit us (I mean U) sometime in January. I can’t wait. After the endless bout of complaining that I did about our last trip to the motherland, I felt much better. Seriously, people kept telling me what to do, where to go…it was all too much.
ok..if I ever spoke too soon, this would be it. Today was the worst day ever. I had a dental appointment, for my implant. While in the midst of the procedure, he tsk tsk ed over my wisdom tooth and pretty much steamrolled me into getting it removed. So after that, I”m on high dosage pain meds, and we go to the pediatrician to take a look at U’s cough. It was just a cold. We also found she’s at 18.5lbs, and 27 inches tall, which is great. Her head circumference is in the 90th%ile, which according to the Dr, is not surprising considering the size of my noggin.
So anyways, all that’s done and I”m trying to pack while trying to play/soothe U who’s all sleepy but doesn’t want to sleep. At 7:00, Dr. takes A the english cocker and my first child to the vet for his second flu shot. When he gets there, he finds that the wound on his face, which I thought was a cut and had been treating with neosporin and hydrogen peroxide, was a ’sebaceous cyst’ which needed to be removed. So it was, and he now has this ridiculous elizabethan collar. By the time everything was done and we went to sleep, it was well past 1:00 AM…..I was exhausted, my face was swollen and I was not in a good mood.
Hello world!
October 11, 2009 by heresheisEvening, this is my first attempt at blogging. I lurk in and around a lot of blogs, some of which are written by people I know, and some that I’ve stumbled upon. Now that I have a little girl of my own, I figured I’d write about my daily life, so that she can (perhaps, depending on the content) read about her mommy and daddy’s life when she was little
A little about me, I’m 33, living in the DC area. I am married to a wonderful man, he’s 34 and henceforth shall be referred to as the Dr. He is not a real doctor (HA!!!), just has a PhD. I have a daughter, who’s now 7 months old. We’ve been married 5+ years, and it’s been a ride. There’ve been ups and downs, left and rights, but I think, for the most part, life is good.
So today is Sunday. I cleaned the kitchen. Will this endless round of cleaning/laundry never end? I am not a domestic Goddess and never will be. Got to learn to live with that. I think the Dr. has already figured it out:-) Baby (henceforth referred to as U) has been sitting by herself. Quite a milestone.
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